Product Description

The STLs are scaled for 6mm (games like Battletech).  To scale for 8mm (for games like Legion Imperialis) increase the size by 10% (i.e. 110% size).

Do you just want everything?

The Wargame Forge Gothic Building Ultimate Bundle contains 396 printable ruined and fully intact buildings, as well as the full city tiles set (ruined and intact).

The buildings contain a mixture of ruined single story to multi-story, L-shaped, T-shaped, and other shapes, given you access to a huge variety of buildings for your games of Legion Imperialis, Adeptus Titanicus, Battle Tech, Epic 40k, or whatever else you plan on using them for.

This bundle saves you 45% off the normal price of buying the buildings individually.

All of these files are optimized for FDM printing and do not require any supports.

This product is for personal use only.  You are not authorized to redistribute any digital files, or to print and sell the models from these files.

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