Product Description


The Ruined Tavern of Hagglethorn Hollow is a large building consisting of the following parts:

  • four dungeon pieces
  • two base pieces
  • five roof/upper level pieces
  • one platform piece

The Ruined Tavern

Theme/Setting: Immerse yourself in the haunting remnants of Hagglethorn Hollow with The Ruined Tavern. A poignant echo of its former glory, this 3D printable building masterfully captures the essence of the once-vibrant Hagglethorn Tavern, now standing in dilapidated majesty.

Material and Paintability: Sculpted using premium PLA filament, The Ruined Tavern boasts a high level of detail, making it a visual treat for any tabletop setting. Its intricate design is not only a nod to meticulous craftsmanship but also beckons enthusiasts to unfurl their paintbrushes and bestow vibrant hues upon its storied walls.

Assembly: While it may depict a tale of ruin, piecing together The Ruined Tavern is a breeze, ensuring a simple assembly experience even for newcomers to the realm of 3D terrain.

Compatibility: Elevate your gaming sessions with a touch of melancholic beauty. The Ruined Tavern seamlessly integrates with iconic titles like Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Frostgrave, Conquest, A Song of Ice and Fire, Skyrim - Call to Arms, and Warmachine and Hordes.

Unique Features: As you dive into the world of miniature wargames and roleplaying, let The Ruined Tavern set the stage for gripping tales of yore, heroic quests, and intense battles. Through its intricate design and evocative imagery, it promises to transport players right into the heart of Hagglethorn Hollow's bygone era.

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